New Year Resolution. Swapping in cleaner products

New year resolution. Swapping in cleaner products Congratulations on setting yourself a New Year's resolution! Swapping to cleaner products is a great goal to have as it can help reduce your environmental impact and toxic load. It can often times be an overwhelming task, but one easy way to start is to begin taking note of what types of products you use most frequently and look for ‘cleaner’ options. Making small changes can have a big impact. Start by switching out one product at a time and gradually build up. Good luck and have a great year! And if you’re [...]


“Healing with Honey” by Tess Eidem, Ph.D. 

If you’re like me, you put honey in your tea or on your cornbread—but what about putting it on your loved one’s cuts and scrapes? At first, this idea might seem sticky and strange, but it turns out that honey has been used to heal wounds for thousands of years. Unlike other “alternative” health products on the market, which make empty therapeutic claims, there’s a growing body of scientific evidence that supports the healing powers of honey. When you go to the grocery store, you’ve probably noticed the many different types of honey on the shelves. Honey comes in lots [...]
